Today, blood tests can reveal much about us. Sometimes we even learn more than we want to know. Blood tests are a popular way to check the individual’s testosterone level. In women, testosterone is made by the adrenal glands and in the ovaries. The male body uses larger amounts of testosterone. The hormone (androgen) is made in large amounts by the male testicles and in lesser amounts by the adrenal glands. The pituitary gland controls the level of testosterone in the body. When testosterone is low, the pituitary gland emits a hormone called lueteinizing hormone (LH), which signals the testicles to produce more testosterone.
Before puberty, the male testosterone level is extremely low. As boys reach puberty, it is easy to notice telltale signs like a deeper voice, a more muscular body and increased body hair which become recognizable seemingly overnight. At this point, the boy’s body is making sperm.
There are differing views on when the male body is at its sexual peak. There are also differences in opinion about when the male sex drive begins to subtly diminish. Many physicians suggest that at age 30, the testosterone level is at its peak while others feel age 40 is the peak age.
Testosterone is generally considered a male hormone critical to an active and healthy sex life. The female body has a small amount of testosterone, which is primarily produced in the ovaries. In fact, half of the female’s testosterone is made in the ovaries. In men and women, testosterone affects the brain, bone and muscle mass, the distribution of fat, the vascular system, the energy level, genital tissues and sexual functioning.
Because Tongkat Ali produces significant levels of testosterone, users notice many of the characteristics mentioned above. Women can expect Tongkat Ali to raise their energy level, increase their libido, increase sensitivity in the sexual organs and lubricate the vaginal walls.
To truly be effective, users of this natural alternative should ingest the medicine on a regular basis. The most popular method is called cycling. Whether the user prefers liquid, powder, tablet or capsule, the user should determine a cycling program that is effective for them. The most common “cycle” calls for the user to take Tongkat Ali Extract for five days and then be off the extract for two days before starting another five-day “on” cycle.
The cycle can be affected by the strength of your Tongkat Ali. If you use a 1:200 mixture, your cycle will be different than if you use 1:100 strength. 1:200 is the most potent and effective strength of Tongkat Ali Extract. As the Tongkat Ali Extract works differently on every user, they must usually do some self-experimentation before finding their perfect cycle and strength.
The human body manufactures two types of testosterone. Bound testosterone is bound to a protein called sex hormone binding globulin (SHGB) contained within the blood stream. If a person wants to know their testosterone level, the easiest way is to have a blood test. Tongkat Ali increases both bound and free testosterone.
In addition to using Tongkat Ali Extract to increase testosterone, there are several other steps users can take to help keep testosterone levels up.
Diet – if the diet is bad for the heart, it is also bad for the testosterone level. Regularly eating fruits, whole grains, vegetables, heart healthy fats and nuts, olive oil, fish and wine is a sound heart and testosterone diet.
Watch Your Weight – overweight people are asking for trouble and will suffer low libido and ED.
Check blood pressure – High cholesterol and high blood pressure will impede the person’s sex drive and heart function.
Alcohol – Drinking to excess is a risk nobody needs but also limits the production of bound testosterone.
Smoking – Smoking harms the blood vessels and decreases blood flow to the penis.
Control stress – whatever measures are needed to reduce stress, implement right away. Exercise has many benefits and stress relief is one of them.
Even healthy people with healthy sex lives use Tongkat Ali. These people are strong advocates of the herbal medicine. They report more confident sexual conduct, more powerful erections and orgasms. There is nothing wrong with that! Try Tongkat Ali today.
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