The recent popularity of the Tongkat Ali Extract testosterone booster raises interesting questions about the state of the alternative medicine industry. Tongkat Ali is a viable all-natural herbal extract that has been used for centuries throughout Southeast Asia where the Eurycoma Longifolia trees once flourished.
Since the deforestation of much of the region, countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand have lost their rainforests and their supply of Eurycoma Longifolia trees. The vertical root of the tree is the source of the Tongkat Ali Extract.
Most Eurycoma Longifolia trees are in rainforests owned by native tribes. To excavate the 10-foot long vertical roots requires a grueling effort by the natives. If the product you are purchasing is not from mature tree roots, it will not produce the results you expect.
Knowledge Is The Key As Tongkat Ali has received more notoriety, many details about the extract have begun to surface. A 2003 report from the London Journal of Sports Medicine supported the position that the extract provided additional testosterone that is beneficial to bodybuilders. A controlled study by ZRT Laboratories supported Malaysia’s claim that Tongkat Ali Extract boosted testosterone levels in humans.
This information as well as the results of numerous tests conducted by the government of Malaysia using animals is on the record. However, like many other helpful alternative medicines, there exist no standards for the industry or for the specific product.
Surprising testimonials by such herbal experts as Dr. Mehmet Oz and Chris Kilham certainly lend credibility to Tongkat Ali. However, there are definitely scammers on the Internet. Therein lies the danger of fraud. In stores, governments regularly check products and fake products are swept from the shelves. No agency is checking the Internet shelves.
Honest manufacturers believe in the benefits of their product as does the government of Malaysia. These entities are pushing hard for standardization of the product so that consumers have a more transparent view of Tongkat Ali Extract. Reputable providers want the Internet scamming to stop.
While governments use inspectors to check the quality of products offered by brick and mortar distributors, the Internet offers an open market for the product. If you are an Internet purchaser, take the time to get to know your supplier. If you purchase legitimate Tongkat Ali Extract, you will feel the difference physically and psychologically.
The real Tongkat Ali Extract will, in fact, raise your libido as well as your testosterone level. However, for Internet purchasers, remember that until uniform standards are established, the message is buyer beware. It is your responsibility to know your product and know your provider.
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