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Friday, September 17, 2010

Tongkat Ali – The Advantages of Herbal Remedies

Very few herbal medicines have their roots in western cultures. As a result, the concept of herbal remedies is often misunderstood. In the United States, herbal medicines are researched by the NCCAM, a division of the Department of Health and Human Service’s National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. NCCAM was founded in 1992 and compared to the FDA is a very young division with an overloaded schedule.

Herbal medicines, like Tongkat Ali, have four distinct advantages over today’s prescription medicines:

1. History. Most known herbal remedies are time-tested and have been used in different cultures for centuries. In many cultures, where prescription medicines are not available, herbal remedies are still the medicines of choice.
2. Safety. Remedies like Tongkat Ali are all-natural and carry no side effects. Many prescription medicines are habit forming, have disturbing side effects and while treating the symptoms of a condition can cause damage to other bodily systems. Prescription medications like Vioxx, which treats arthritis and Viagra-like prescriptions are known to have uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects.
3. Cost. Prescription medicine manufacturers like Pfizer, the producer of Viagra, spend billions of dollars on research, development and marketing. The result is extremely prices that far exceed the relatively low cost of herbal remedies.
4. Convenience. Prescriptions are not required to order Tongkat Ali. Many herbs can be grown in home gardens. Keep in mind that in much of the world these are the only physical and psychological remedies available.

This does not mean that prescription remedies do not have their place. Many of these medicines are very necessary to treat serious illnesses and in emergency situations, like broken bones, appendicitis or heart attacks.

Users of herbal medicines should understand that these medicines could interact with prescriptions. Before using herbal remedies, users should check with knowledgeable physicians.

For users in the west, the biggest risk related to herbal medicines is the quality of the product. Because alternative therapies are not regulated, some providers use inexpensive substitutes for the necessary ingredients in some of the world’s oldest medicines.

Users must research their herbal remedies. The user should know the manufacturing process, know the purpose of the medicine, know what to expect and be in position to evaluate trustworthy providers.

In the case of Tongkat Ali Extract, the users should only purchase from reliable providers who use the water extraction method. The extract comes in several different strengths. The strongest recommended extraction is 1:200, meaning that 200 grams of chipped root make up 1 gram of the extract.

Users should also be familiar with the cycling use of Tongkat Ali. To achieve the best results of the testosterone building herbal extract, the cycling method of intake is suggested. Most users take their regular dose of Tongkat Ali for five days and then abstain for two days before beginning the cycle again.

Users should also know what to expect from the extract. Tongkat Ali is a testosterone boosting remedy that serves as an aphrodisiac and provides many general health benefits, including sexual organ health. Proper use of the extract normally increases the libido, produces stronger erections, higher sperm counts and more powerful orgasms. For women, Tongkat Ali makes the vaginal walls more sensitive and increases the libido.

Assuming the Tongkat Ali is of high quality, men and women can expect better sexual experiences and users will achieve a healthier presence with Tongkat Ali. It is not approved by the FDA, but Tongkat Ali is safe and has been used successfully in Southeast Asia for thousands of years. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction or just want to enjoy a better sexual experience, try Tongkat Ali Extract.

Use Alternative Medicines Like Tongkat Ali

Much of today’s medical profession is based upon the use of prescription medications. Indeed, the advances made in critical care medicine is miraculous and necessary. Yet, the over-reliance upon prescription medicines is a great concern.

The truth is that prescription drugs generally treat the symptoms of a disease or pain and do not provide cures for the condition. Many patients do not understand the difference and blindly trust prescription drugs.

A University of Toronto study has revealed that the use of prescription drugs causes more fatalities in one year than do automobile accidents. Mistakes in the use of prescription medications and the resulting dangerous side effects of these drugs costs a minimum of $76 billion per year and could account for as much as $135 billion.

The biggest part of this cost is the serious hospitalization caused by the use of the improperly prescribed medicine. Astoundingly, the University of Toronto found that adverse reactions to prescription drugs is the fourth highest cause of fatalities in the country, following behind heart disease, cancer and stroke.

Physicians are aware that 51 percent of FDA-approved drugs have serious side effects. The most dangerous drugs are painkillers and drugs that affect the immune system, but 1.5 million Americans are hospitalized each year because of damage caused by prescription drugs and more than 100,000 annual deaths are attributed to prescription drugs.

The side effects can range from life-threatening to discomforting conditions. Levels of discomfort can range from chronic pain to tolerable discomfort to extremely risky health conditions. All you need to do to become aware of the known risks is to listen to an advertisement for the next great cure.

Even seemingly safe medications like PDE-5 drugs like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, cause painful side effects. The FDA certainly was premature with its release of Viagra as 900 people died in the first nine months following the drug’s release.

These facts are just a few of the reasons that people are rapidly resisting prescription medications and returning to the use of alternative therapies, such as herbal extracts. 50 percent of Viagra prescriptions are not renewed. The drug may help the user achieve an erection but does not increase libido or improve sexual performance, a fact that is not understood by most users.

Natural medicines have been used for thousands of years and do not present dangerous side effects. In most cases, these time-tested remedies have no side effects and treat the illness not simply ease the symptoms.

The age-old Tongkat Ali Extract is one of those marvelous herbal extracts originally developed in Southeast Asia and now flooding the western markets. Tongkat Ali is an aphrodisiac that boosts testosterone and is highly regarded as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Men and women benefit from the use of the extract. Not only does Tongkat Ali elevate sexual desire but the additional testosterone also improves sexual performance while increasing health of the sexual organs.

Erectile dysfunction can be treated and Tongkat Ali provides a safe, side effect-free alternative to today’s prescription medicines. Properly used, properly manufactured Tongkat Ali will provide the user a more virile way of life, with increased libido and more sexual stamina.

Men can expect stronger, longer lasting erections and more productive testes. Women will enjoy a more sensitized sexual experience and will notice an almost immediate increase in desire.

Unlike prescription medicines, Tongkat Ali is ingested on a regular, almost daily schedule through a process known as cycling. The Tongkat Ali Extract user can enjoy sex at any time whenever the time is right. What an improvement! What a safe, lasting remedy! Try Tongkat Ali Extract today.

Tongkat Ali For Erectile Dysfunction

In the United States alone, more than 30 million men use Viagra or a PDE-5 alternative to treat erectile dysfunction. Globally, it is estimated that 100 million men treat erectile dysfunction every day.

Men who are serious about treating erectile dysfunction are rapidly turning to alternative therapies for troubling erectile dysfunction symptoms. One of the most popular natural treatments comes from Southeast Asia and is known as Tongkat Ali Extract.

The flexibility, proven results and safety factors related to the treatment of the condition with Tongkat Ali have made it a popular, healthy alternative to Viagra-like products. The western world is responding with amazing demand.

Tongkat Ali Extract is derived from the roots of the Eurycoma Longifolia trees found deep in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. Local natives go through the laborious effort to dig out the nine to ten foot vertically submerged roots from which the root chips for the extract are processed.

The Malaysian government has spent millions of dollars on upgrading the manufacturing equipment used to produce the extract, which is made in several different strengths. The most powerful extract is 1:200, meaning that 200 grams of the root chip are used to produce 1 gram of herbal extract.

Tongkat Ali is most effective when the practical cycling method is used for ingestion. The most popular cycling procedure calls for the user to take Tongkat Ali Extract five days in succession and then stop for two days before resuming the rotation.

The system allows the user to be prepared to enjoy sex at any time of any day. With the increased libido and increased benefits of the additional testosterone, not only will sex once again become exciting and intimate, but erections will last longer and be stronger in order to provide more powerful orgasms.

Consider the fact that 50 percent of Viagra users do not renew their prescriptions. This is generally attributed to the negative side effects like blurred vision, stomachaches, headaches and light-headedness but is also the result of customer dissatisfaction.

If Viagra is absorbed one hour or so before sex, the user will usually experience an erection. However, the individual’s sex drive does not improve and the quality of the sexual act is often disappointing. As Viagra officials have said, having an erection does not necessarily make for a better sexual performance.

The list of conditions that can complicate the use of Viagra is extensive. Users cannot suffer from heart disease or heart arrhythmia have congestive heart failure, liver disease, kidney disease or a bleeding disorder. Man Viagra users take multiple medications and these combinations can be dangerous. Viagra users should always check with their physician before using the drug.

Of course, a prescription is required for the use of Viagra. No prescription is needed to enjoy the benefits of Tongkat Ali Extract. Of course, Tongkat Ali has been used by the populations in Southeast Asia for thousands of years, long before Viagra was developed.

Why not discover what the world is learning? The use of Tongkat Ali will improve your sexual performance and desire. Try it today!

Testosterone and Tongkat Ali Extract

There is plenty of evidence to support the Tongkat Ali Extract manufacturer’s claims that the all-natural herbal extract is a time-tested, effective testosterone booster. Southeast Asian native doctors patiently developed the extract from the roots of the Eurycoma Longifolia tree hundreds of years ago. While communities from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia and most other Southeast Asian cultures may not have known why they felt energized by the extract, they certainly knew they felt healthier and more robust.

Now, we know these effects were caused by the added release of testosterone the extract provides. Yet, even today, testosterone is a much-misunderstood hormone that benefits both men and women. In terms of libido, testosterone is more influential in males, but the hormone helps in the development and care of the female sex organs.

Testosterone is the main androgen or sex hormone in the human body. The hormone is classified as an anabolic steroid because it boosts body tissues and encourages the body to retain protein. These abilities have caused the steroid to be banned for use by professional athletes and most amateur competitions including the Olympics.

Good testosterone levels are healthy for many reasons. The steroid is now used to help treat many health conditions, including certain cancers. Testosterone patches are sometimes prescribed by physicians for patients who have endured major surgeries. In these cases, two or three external patches are applied to different areas of the body for 24-hour periods.

These modern-day uses of testosterone support the Southeast Asian experience with Tongkat Ali Extract. Before the extract became known as a libido enhancer, doctors in the areas where the Eurycoma Longifolia was prevalent, used the extract to fight high fevers, improve blood circulation and generally create an aura of good health. Testosterone is used for those same treatments in Western cultures today.

As with other steroids, testosterone can be harmful in excess. Side effects of high testosterone include oily skin, acne, insomnia and increased risk of cancer. Usually the body controls the testosterone level to prevent these effects.

Testosterone is responsible for the growth and development of the male penis, testicles, scrotum, prostrate and seminal vesicles. Secondary sex characteristics such as musculature, bone mass, fat distribution, hair patterns laryngeal enlargement and vocal chord thickening are also affected by testosterone.

In man, the testosterone level increases dramatically at puberty and gradually begins to decrease at age 50 or earlier. In the United States, 13 million men suffer testosterone deficiency. Surprisingly, less than 10 percent of those persons receive treatment for the deficiency.

There have been numerous studies about testosterone. One definite result of these studies indicate that persons suffering obesity, diabetes or hypertension are significantly more prone towards low testosterone than person not suffering those conditions.

In the human body, testosterone is produced by the testes. The hormone’s level is regulated by a process that begins with the messages from the brain. The chain is called the hypothalamic –pituitary-gonadal axis. At the end of the chain, a Leutenizing hormone helps to stimulate the testes to produce more testosterone. The testes produce approximately 4-7 milligrams of testosterone daily.

In today’s highly pressurized environment, there are many daily conditions that can contribute to low testosterone levels and lack of libido. Stress, anxiety, diet and lack of exercise weigh heavily on the body’s production of testosterone.

While men and women work on controlling these negative conditions, there never seems to be enough time. This has led many persons of all ages to need assistance with testosterone and with libido.

When Tongkat Ali Extract was proven to be effective as a bodybuilding aid and as a libido enhancer, demand for the extract from the West soared. Recently, the extract received a significant endorsement from Dr. Mehmet Oz on his national television show.

Oz, the highly regarded surgeon and author of five health books, has long been an advocate of safe alternative remedies. The Doctor’s endorsement of Tongkat Ali Extract served to increase awareness and demand for the all-natural product that is now shipped to all corners of the globe.

Fight Testosterone Erosion With Tongkat Ali Extract

Testosterone arrives unannounced during puberty for both genders. The body’s main sex hormone helps our bodies mature and usually sparks a growth spurt. During this maturing process, the growth of body hair and oily skin are common to both sexes. In males, the voice is likely to deepen, the testicles will descend and the body’s lifelong production of testosterone begins.

Believe it or not, testosterone not only contributes to the physical differences between the genders but also contributes to the differences between male and female brains. The male brain is actually larger than the female brain because the more aggressive production of the hormone in men causes the brain to grow. Interestingly, the corpus callosum, or connection between the brain’s hemispheres is larger in the female brain.

These facts are just part of the story when it comes to testosterone which is certainly one of the human body’s most misunderstood miracles. A healthy testosterone level makes for a healthy person.

As an all-natural extract, Tongkat Ali boosts the user’s testosterone levels. Malaysian tests and research performed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in conjunction with the Malaysian government have borne out interesting capabilities of the wondrous extract. MIT and the Malaysian government have even taken a patent on a possible cancer treatment using Tongkat Ali.

For centuries, the natives of most Southeast Asian cultures have relied upon Tongkat Ali as a medicine for a number of ailments. Now that we understand the healing powers of the extract, research has continued to explore the full potential of the herbal extract from the impressive Eurycoma Longifolia trees, which were once plentiful in Southeast Asian rainforests.

Due to the deforestation of much of the region, only Malaysia and Indonesia have bountiful supplies of the trees and their precious nine-foot long vertical roots from which Tongkat Ali is derived. Most of the Eurycoma Longifolia trees are now the property of indigenous tribes.

The Malaysian government has invested millions of dollars in fine-tuning the manufacturing process needed to produce the herbal extract. The process is far advanced from the original extraction process as Malaysia has confidence in their Tongkat Ali investment.

However, even with the spanking clean and gleaming manufacturing centers, one aspect of the extraction process has remained in tact. The trees are the property of the natives. To obtain the roots of the 45-foot Eurycoma Longifolia trees, the natives must go deep into the rainforests and undertake the difficult task of extracting the bulky and deep roots.

Once the roots are uncovered and separated, they are carried back to the village and prepared for shipment to the manufacturing facilities. Usually three natives are required for each root.

All this manual labor marks the first step in preparation of herbal medicine, which is now shipped all over the globe. When Tongkat Ali’s ability to increase a person’s testosterone level reached the western world, demand for Tongkat Ali exploded.

It is a natural reality of life that testosterone levels diminish with age. This cold reality leads to frustration for many men. In the west, more than 30 million men try to overcome their testosterone reduction and decreased interest in sex or libido with PDE-5 prescription medications.

The PDE-5 medications have some annoying side effects but unfortunately fail at increasing libido. These medicines, like Viagra and Cialis, do assist men suffering erectile dysfunction by helping to create an erection, but they do not increase the desire for sexual enjoyment.

Tongkat Ali not only increases libido but it helps develop long-lasting, sustainable erections and more enjoyable orgasms than PDE-5 prescriptions. Perhaps that is why more than 50 percent of men who purchase Viagra do not refill their prescriptions.

If you want to enjoy sex again or if you simply want better sex, do what the Southeast Asians have done for centuries. Try Tongkat Ali today and you too will soon celebrate the extract as did Dr. Mehmet Oz on his national television show. When it comes to adding testosterone, the all-natural alternative is best. Try Tongkat Ali. You and your partner will be glad you did.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tongkat Ali Extract to increase testosterone - Several other steps users can take to help keep testosterone levels up.

Today, blood tests can reveal much about us. Sometimes we even learn more than we want to know. Blood tests are a popular way to check the individual’s testosterone level. In women, testosterone is made by the adrenal glands and in the ovaries. The male body uses larger amounts of testosterone. The hormone (androgen) is made in large amounts by the male testicles and in lesser amounts by the adrenal glands. The pituitary gland controls the level of testosterone in the body. When testosterone is low, the pituitary gland emits a hormone called lueteinizing hormone (LH), which signals the testicles to produce more testosterone.

Before puberty, the male testosterone level is extremely low. As boys reach puberty, it is easy to notice telltale signs like a deeper voice, a more muscular body and increased body hair which become recognizable seemingly overnight. At this point, the boy’s body is making sperm.

There are differing views on when the male body is at its sexual peak. There are also differences in opinion about when the male sex drive begins to subtly diminish. Many physicians suggest that at age 30, the testosterone level is at its peak while others feel age 40 is the peak age.

Testosterone is generally considered a male hormone critical to an active and healthy sex life. The female body has a small amount of testosterone, which is primarily produced in the ovaries. In fact, half of the female’s testosterone is made in the ovaries. In men and women, testosterone affects the brain, bone and muscle mass, the distribution of fat, the vascular system, the energy level, genital tissues and sexual functioning.

Because Tongkat Ali produces significant levels of testosterone, users notice many of the characteristics mentioned above. Women can expect Tongkat Ali to raise their energy level, increase their libido, increase sensitivity in the sexual organs and lubricate the vaginal walls.

To truly be effective, users of this natural alternative should ingest the medicine on a regular basis. The most popular method is called cycling. Whether the user prefers liquid, powder, tablet or capsule, the user should determine a cycling program that is effective for them. The most common “cycle” calls for the user to take Tongkat Ali Extract for five days and then be off the extract for two days before starting another five-day “on” cycle.

The cycle can be affected by the strength of your Tongkat Ali. If you use a 1:200 mixture, your cycle will be different than if you use 1:100 strength. 1:200 is the most potent and effective strength of Tongkat Ali Extract. As the Tongkat Ali Extract works differently on every user, they must usually do some self-experimentation before finding their perfect cycle and strength.

The human body manufactures two types of testosterone. Bound testosterone is bound to a protein called sex hormone binding globulin (SHGB) contained within the blood stream. If a person wants to know their testosterone level, the easiest way is to have a blood test. Tongkat Ali increases both bound and free testosterone.

In addition to using Tongkat Ali Extract to increase testosterone, there are several other steps users can take to help keep testosterone levels up.

Diet – if the diet is bad for the heart, it is also bad for the testosterone level. Regularly eating fruits, whole grains, vegetables, heart healthy fats and nuts, olive oil, fish and wine is a sound heart and testosterone diet.
Watch Your Weight – overweight people are asking for trouble and will suffer low libido and ED.
Check blood pressure – High cholesterol and high blood pressure will impede the person’s sex drive and heart function.
Alcohol – Drinking to excess is a risk nobody needs but also limits the production of bound testosterone.
Smoking – Smoking harms the blood vessels and decreases blood flow to the penis.
Control stress – whatever measures are needed to reduce stress, implement right away. Exercise has many benefits and stress relief is one of them.

Even healthy people with healthy sex lives use Tongkat Ali. These people are strong advocates of the herbal medicine. They report more confident sexual conduct, more powerful erections and orgasms. There is nothing wrong with that! Try Tongkat Ali today.

Understanding Testosterone

Most people have a basic understanding of testosterone and if they don’t their day will come. That is because testosterone is being used for more health treatments than ever before. The irony is that as testosterone has become recognized as important for many male and female conditions, claims about the ancient herbal remedy Tongkat Ali Extract no longer seem exaggerated.

At one point westerners seemed to feel that nature’s biggest testosterone booster, Tongkat Ali Extract, was another alternative medicine that sounded too good to be true. Yet, Southeast Asians continued to use the medicine for many cures.

Persons with healthy testosterone levels enjoy the following benefits:

* Higher energy
* Better outlook and mood
* A sound sex drive
* Good erectile function
* Good fat distribution
* Better bone strength
* Increased sperm production

Add improved circulation and important characteristics to fight high fever and you have the benefits of Tongkat Ali. For centuries local tribesmen used Tongkat Ali to treat everything from malaria to psychological conditions.

At the same time, there are many benefits to healthy testosterone levels and there are many disadvantages to having low testosterone levels. Low sexual desire tops the list but there are other symptoms, including sexual dysfunction, constant fatigue, low energy and a depressed mood.

Physicians and psychiatrists have combined to develop an amazing number of treatments, many of which involve the use of prescription medications. Treatments cover a wide range from gels that are rubbed into the skin every day, to patches that are used each day to intramuscular injections that are taken every 2-3 weeks.

One thing to make clear is that these remedies are to boost testosterone, not to help the user create am erection like PDE-5’s Viagra, Levitra and Cialis attempt to do. Testosterone treatments, like Tongkat Ali, are ongoing and in fact do address all the symptoms of low testosterone such as increasing low libido as well as helping to overcome erectile dysfunction.

Lately, many physicians are prescribing testosterone patches. The most common is the 5 mg patch called Androderm, produced by Watson Pharma, a subdivision of Watson Pharmaceuticals. The typical box contains 30 patches. Patients apply one, two or three patches for 24 hours. At the end of the time, the patches are removed and the patient can apply new patches to new areas.

The list of ingredients is enough to make anyone want to research Androderm.

* Glycerin USP
* Glycerin monooleate
* Metalized polyester/Surlyn (ethylene-methacrylic acid Copolymer)
* Ethylene vinyl acetate backing film with resistant ink
* Methyl laurate
* Sodium hydroxide NF

These are just a few of the ingredients. Reports about the success of the patches are mixed.

Tongkat Ali Extract is a safe, all-natural form of testosterone booster for which no prescription is required. There are no significant side effects attached to the herbal remedy which is derived from the nine to ten foot vertical underground roots of the Eurycoma Longifolia found in the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia.

At one time, the trees were abundant in all Southeast Asian rainforests. Recent conflicts have caused much deforestation in many of the region’s forests. Hopefully the supply of the colorful trees will increase as reforesting efforts progress. Unfortunately, Tongkat Ali is extracted from roots of mature trees, aged 20 – 25 years, only.

As men age, their testosterone levels decrease. The first occasions of the decrease begin at age 30. At this age, the reduction is barely noticeable. By age fifty, most men notice the difference in testosterone levels through common symptoms like lower energy, lower libido and weaker erections.

Other causes of low testosterone are injury, infection, chemotherapy, genetic abnormalities, a non-functional pituitary gland, the influence of other medications, stress, alcoholism and many, many other conditions and diseases. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is commonly known as impotence and disables the man’s natural ability to have and sustain an erection.

Treatment with PDE-5’s lacks gratification and is simply treating the symptoms not addressing the causes of ED. Most other forms of treatment are considered too invasive.

This explains why physicians like the famous Dr. Mehmet Oz are turning to alternative therapies to address ED. When recent tests by ZRT Laboratories showed male testosterone increased in humans after trying Tongkat Ali for three weeks, demand for the herbal extract has risen dramatically. Isn’t it time you gave yourself a healthy boost of testosterone? Try Tongkat Ali Extract today and you will see what everyone is talking about.

Tongkat Ali Extract - Do You Know The Truth?

Like all alternative medicines and therapies, there are various factual and untrue statements about the validity of this increasingly popular herbal remedy. Generally, herbal medicines are all-natural products that are non-habit forming and produce minimal side effects.

Tongkat Ali is no exception.

One claim indicates that Tongkat Ali root powder is effective for improving overall health, increasing libido and enhancing sexual performance. That the root powder works just as well as the root extract.

This is quite simply untrue. From the researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):

“The yield of the bioactive constituents is extremely low at less than 0.005%. Hence, they are not easily available for further studies and for commercial preparations. The plant also requires a longer time to produce the secondary bio-active metabolites and their biological activities may be derived from more than one of the constituents.”

Also all anecdotal evidences and experiences from users suggest that the root extract is much more effective than root power.

Another often misunderstood idea maintains that Tongkat Ali powder can be supplemented by other herbs. While products containing a mix of Tongkat Ali extract and other herbs can indeed be more potent, many supplement manufacturers abuse this and put too little Tongkat Ali extract into their formulation.

For Tongkat Ali extract to work effectively, I recommend at least 300 mg of the extract.

There are various extract strengths available in the market. Typically its 1:50, 1:100 and 1:200 with 1:200 extract strength being the most potent and also the more expensive one.

The actual mechanism in which the Tongkat Ali extract works in our body has not been identified and documented. Various studies, reports and reviews suggest that the active ingredients within Tongkat Ali extract increases the amount of free testosterone in our body.

In a test result released in May 2005 by by ZRT Laboratory, the lab reported the testosterone level of a 72-year old male who’s increased by 224 percent.

Also the British Journal of Sports Medicine reported on clinical trials conducted on Tongkat Ali extract and the editor concluded:

“The results suggest that water soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia Jack increased fat free mass, reduced body fat, and increased muscle strength and size, and thus may have an ergogenic effect.”

(Eurycoma longifolia Jack is the scientific name for Tongkat Ali)

The effects reported by users of Tongkat Ali extract includes increase in sex drive and libido, harder and longer-lasting erection, muscle gain, weight loss, along with an overall increase in energy and feeling more ‘positive about life’. Other effects also include aggression.

All these effects points to an increase in overall and possibly free testosterone level.

Irregardless of the actual mechanism though, Tongkat Ali extract at appropriate extract strength and dosage does indeed live up to its reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.

As a user, our primary concern is Tongkat Ali’s safety over a long period of use. LD50 tests done demonstrate that the extract is non-toxic in nature and extremely safe for long-term consumption.

Make Sure You Know Your Product

The recent popularity of the Tongkat Ali Extract testosterone booster raises interesting questions about the state of the alternative medicine industry. Tongkat Ali is a viable all-natural herbal extract that has been used for centuries throughout Southeast Asia where the Eurycoma Longifolia trees once flourished.

Since the deforestation of much of the region, countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand have lost their rainforests and their supply of Eurycoma Longifolia trees. The vertical root of the tree is the source of the Tongkat Ali Extract.

Most Eurycoma Longifolia trees are in rainforests owned by native tribes. To excavate the 10-foot long vertical roots requires a grueling effort by the natives. If the product you are purchasing is not from mature tree roots, it will not produce the results you expect.

Knowledge Is The Key As Tongkat Ali has received more notoriety, many details about the extract have begun to surface. A 2003 report from the London Journal of Sports Medicine supported the position that the extract provided additional testosterone that is beneficial to bodybuilders. A controlled study by ZRT Laboratories supported Malaysia’s claim that Tongkat Ali Extract boosted testosterone levels in humans.

This information as well as the results of numerous tests conducted by the government of Malaysia using animals is on the record. However, like many other helpful alternative medicines, there exist no standards for the industry or for the specific product.

Surprising testimonials by such herbal experts as Dr. Mehmet Oz and Chris Kilham certainly lend credibility to Tongkat Ali. However, there are definitely scammers on the Internet. Therein lies the danger of fraud. In stores, governments regularly check products and fake products are swept from the shelves. No agency is checking the Internet shelves.

Honest manufacturers believe in the benefits of their product as does the government of Malaysia. These entities are pushing hard for standardization of the product so that consumers have a more transparent view of Tongkat Ali Extract. Reputable providers want the Internet scamming to stop.

While governments use inspectors to check the quality of products offered by brick and mortar distributors, the Internet offers an open market for the product. If you are an Internet purchaser, take the time to get to know your supplier. If you purchase legitimate Tongkat Ali Extract, you will feel the difference physically and psychologically.

The real Tongkat Ali Extract will, in fact, raise your libido as well as your testosterone level. However, for Internet purchasers, remember that until uniform standards are established, the message is buyer beware. It is your responsibility to know your product and know your provider.

A Dash Of Oz Along With An Ounce Of Kilham Equals Tongkat Ali Extract

Dr. Mehmet Oz is an authority on all types of medicine. As he conveys in his five best selling health books, we must expand our knowledge and use of alternative medicines. In a sense, the doctor infers that today's physicians consider the practice of medicine to be their ability to find the right prescription.

Another leading authority on plant medicines is Chris Kilham. As a plant medicine expert, Kilham has more hands-on experience than any other expert n the field. Kilham travels thousands of miles each ear and joins right in as natives excavate herbs and plants to be used in ancient recipes.

Kilham has literally worked with people at all stages of the plant and herbal medicine development. That includes trade officials, field workers, growers, scientists, doctors and shippers. His dedication is impressive. In a January issue of the New York Times, Kilham said, "I want people using safe medicines. And, that means plant medicine."

Kilham and Oz Team Up

When Kilham teamed up with Dr. Oz on the doctor's television show in March, the two endorsed the concept of alternative medicine and therapies and more specifically the Tongkat Ali Extract. Kilham certainly believes in the herbal product and has used the extract several times.

Oz invited a female guest to sample the extract that was mixed into a coffee brew. The good doctor referred to Tongkat Ali as an aphrodisiac and an all-natural product. What he did not mention is that the extract comes in several forms including tablets, liquid, powder and capsules.

What became evident was that Kilham has goals. One of those goals involves spreading information about plant medicines to non-users. Kilham is dedicated to providing healing benefits, protecting the natural environment, and promoting the interests of local indigenous cultures.

The Shared Vision

Kilham has concern about today's patients in a world where prescribing the right medication has become the most important trait in a physician. Unfortunately, man as defoliated most of the rainforests in Southeast Asia and that has endangered many species of plants. The demand for Tongkat Ali, which is derived from the Eurycoma Longifolia tree, is now pressuring the supply of the mature trees.

Kilham is more than an expert about Tongkat Ali. He is familiar with countless time-tested recipes that could benefit today's patients. He used Tongkat Ali because it is popular in the west as a testosterone booster that treats erectile dysfunction. Like most medicines he rediscovers, Kilham has sampled Tongkat Ali several times. In fact, he has accompanied the natives as they excavated the roots of the tree.

An endorsement from Oz and from Kilham sends reverberations throughout the alternative world marketplace. No prescription is necessary to start enjoying the benefits of higher testosterone levels. Rediscover your libido and help your primary and secondary sex characteristics stay healthy. Try Tongkat Ali for yourself. You will be glad you did.

World's Largest Sex Herb Revealed – the only naturally harder erections and longer

Erectile dysfunction is a terrible condition that is often experienced by older people. The majority of men between 40 and 70 years will last humiliating experience of ED or impotence, at least once in their lifetime. But the inability to achieve and maintain an erection of the penis that can make a love strong enough to satisfy every human being is to strike any adult at any time.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and psychological causes, including heartDisease, high blood pressure and more often caused by everyday stress, anxiety, depression and relationship problems. The good news is that there is an effective herbal treatment for impotence. Combined with some simple lifestyle changes such as weight reduction and regular exercise program, the painful condition of erectile dysfunction can be easily destroyed.

However, it is extremely important to choose a natural treatment due to the fact that many people have negative experiences with synthetic chemical wasPrescription drugs like Viagra, which is known to nausea, nasal congestion, heartburn, headache, flushing and visual disturbances.

Announcing the world's most potent natural herbal aphrodisiacs. Eurycoma Longifolia, also known as Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi is the part leading to the production of 100% herbal sex pills.

Tongkat Ali root extract is scientifically enhancing properties of testosterone, the 'directly demonstrated the significant enlargement of the penis and testicles. Because of their strong ability to increase libido penis and testes mass more thrust, Tongkat Ali was being used for centuries as a tonic for general well-being and as a powerful herbal remedy for erectile dysfunction.

Tongkat Ali increases blood flow to the penis, which indeed, is the only natural way to harder erections and longer. It improves stamina, increases libido,increases mental alertness and stimulates sexual activity increases the production of testosterone. Tongkat Ali is the ultimate herbal aphrodisiac natural, in fact, is the most powerful grass sex world!

If Tongkat Ali is thoroughly covered ingredients together with some other herbs, is the result of a dysfunction in% natural, safe and effective cure erectile 100. sex pills herbal act quickly, and the sensual effects linger for days and days, so that allprepared for any unexpected sexual possibility. You do not need a prescription to purchase herbal supplements and, above all, there are no unpleasant side effects.

Chinese Herbs for Rock Hard Erections – quickly and naturally

Chinese herbs are a natural way and proved to have an erection hard rock quickly. Here we are in the best Chinese herbs for sexual health and how and why they work.

Many men are under strong natural sex pills that work like prescription drugs, but do so without dangerous side effects. We see a great combination of herbs proven to improve sexual health.

Tribulus terrestris extract

Tribulus increases testosterone levels and this has aherb of choice for serious athletes and bodybuilders, the grass is high concentration of active ingredient also helps increase libido Protodioscin.


Popular herb that has a number of benefits to sexual health, improves blood flow to the genitals, increases energy, reduces stress and helps maintain healthy sperm.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny Goat Weed works on several levels to improve sexual health, combat stress, increase energyLevels, increases production of testosterone and also contains icariin, which is a specific inhibitor of cGMP-specific PDE5, allowing them greater blood flow to the penis resulting in erection harder.


Cnidium contains the following elements, coumarins, Osthole Imperatorin, carbohydrates and hepatoprotective sesquiterpenes, which help to increase the grass, the same function as prescription drugs and natural with no side effects that count, and the secretion of nitric oxideInhibition of PDE-5. This allows more blood to flow into the penis, harden and form an erection.

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longfolia)

The root of the tree Eurycoma longifolia Jack along for centuries as a traditional remedy, have been used to increase the energy. Increase sexual desire and treat impotence. The bioactive compounds in Tongkat Ali Glygopeptide increase testosterone and SHBG levels, the fall and leads to an improvement of erectile function

You can get all in the best natural sex pills and they will help you harder erection, increased sexual desire and improve overall health, all at the same time.

Hard Erection - if you want A Harder Eraction Naturally Use These Herbs

If you desire a hard erection and are suffering from erection problems then the combination of herbs enclosed is confirmed to work, let’s take a look at how and why they work…

Before we look at the herbs to present you a tough erection, let’s look at the common causes of erectile dysfunction.

Fatigue stress and low energy levels can sap your libido and impact your erection and so to can an absence of testosterone and the one we are going to look at now is the commonest and essential one – Poor Blood Circulation.

Think about what happens when you turn into aroused – your heart beats sooner and begins to pump an elevated flow of blood to the penis. When it get to the penis it must be allowed to enter and right here the role of the chemical nitric oxide is crucial.

Your Erection and Nitric Oxide

The chemical is secreted in the walls of the blood vessels which permit the vessels to calm down and develop enough, to let within the increased movement of blood needed to create an erection. Without sufficient nitric oxide you’ll never get an erection so it’s worthwhile to get enough.

Now let’s take a look at some herbs which will assist you get a hard erection naturally.


Cnidium accommodates several compounds for sexual health together with – coumarins, osthol, imperatorin, glucides and hepatoprotective sesquiterpenes. These compounds help to increase nitric oxide launch and inhibit PDE-5. Cnidium additionally helps promote better blood circulation to the penis.

Cistanche Bark

This herb is a crucial medicinal plant in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a tonic herb which when it comes to sexual wellness helps to extend blood circulation to all areas of the body and can be taken to fight fatigue and improve energy levels.

Horny Goat Weed

Not only a catchy title combats erection problems on 3 levels – it increases nitric oxide and testosterone and also works to reduce stress and boost energy levels.


Niacin is another blood circulation herb, improving circulation by enjoyable arteries and veins and likewise works to keep the digestive system, pores and skin and nerves all healthy.

Tongkat Ali

The bioactive Glygopeptide compounds in Tongkat Ali have been shown to extend free testosterone and reduce SHBG levels – to help in getting a stronger more durable erection in addition to increase libido. Medical studies have also shown that Tongakat Ali has a optimistic impact on sperm by rising sperm count, sperm size and motility.

Mucuna Pruriens

Contains l-Dopa which converts to dopamine which stimulates manufacturing of testosterone within the pituitary gland. Dopamine plays one other key position in getting an erection, by inhibiting prolactin – high ranges of which are considered accountable for around 70-80% of erection failures.

Use the Above Combination for a Rock Hard Erection

The above combination covers all the common reasons that trigger erection problems and will be found with different powerful herds in the very best natural intercourse pills. Not solely can you get a hard erection with them, they may also increase your total wellbeing.

Men got to take real good care of their manhood. It is very important to them and their family.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tongkat Ali - Soyez heureux avec votre énergie

Tongkat Ali - Célébrez votre énergie

Tongkat Ali a changé la vie tous les jours. Maintenant que les cultures occidentales ont trouvé le tout-naturel à base de plantes qui peuvent extraire ajouter plus de l'hormone sexuelle mâle, la testostérone, à leur corps, à la demande de la Malaisie produit Tongkat Ali a augmenté de façon spectaculaire. La mention de sonner le Dr Mehmet Oz dans son émission de télévision nationale a certainement aidé à passer le mot, mais les gens qui suivent les produits à base de plantes ont été vif sur l'extrait pendant un certain temps.

Une fois la première autorité du monde sur la transplantation cardiaque, le Dr Oz a écrit cinq livres best-seller sur la santé. Dans chacun de ces livres, il a souligné les avantages des produits naturels et les pratiques. Oz a longtemps montré la préoccupation pour les quantités de médicaments d'ordonnance nous consommons.

Pourtant, beaucoup de gens sont têtus et pense que les médecines alternatives sont un canular. Le fait est que les produits naturels comme Tongkat Ali n'ont pas causé de décès et il n'est pas d'accoutumance. Remèdes de travail et alors que l'industrie n'est pas réglementée, beaucoup de ces médicaments ont été les piliers de l'ancienne pratiques médicales.

Qu'est-ce que pour gagner en

l'intérêt de l'homme dans la résolution du mystère de la libido en baisse et des capacités limitées de sexualité est puissante. Certains hommes vont essayer des produits qui n'ont pas été testés et qui sont clairement des canulars. Le Tongkat Ali extrait n'est pas un de ces canulars. Le célèbre MIT a même établi un partenariat avec le gouvernement malaisien pour effectuer des recherches sur un traitement contre le cancer qui comprend l'extrait. Tongkat Ali est la vraie affaire avec des milliers de nouveaux clients et des millions d'utilisateurs existants.

A l'origine de l'extrait a été développé par des médecins d'Asie pour combattre les effets du paludisme. Le produit a parcouru un long chemin depuis l'extrait a été élaboré par l'ébullition de la racine des Longifolia Eurycoma pendant trois jours et le développement du produit fini dans une semaine. Maintenant, les installations stérilisés effectuer l'extraction à l'utilisation de l'équipement le plus courant.

Lorsqu'ils sont consommés par lui-même, l'extrait a un goût très amer. De nombreux utilisateurs mélanger l'extrait de café ou de thé. La recherche a démontré que les utilisateurs qui suivez les instructions auront un niveau plus élevé de testostérone que quand ils n'ont pas utilisé la voie alternative. En termes simples, cela signifie une meilleure vie sexuelle et la tonalité plus de muscle.

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Tongkat Ali - mit Ihrer Energie Glücklich

Tongkat Ali - Celebrate Your Energy

Tongkat Ali ist im Wandel Leben jeden Tag. Nun, dass die westlichen Kulturen haben die all-natürliche pflanzliche Extrakt, der mehr von den männlichen Sexualhormon Testosteron hinzuzufügen, um ihren Körper gefunden, hat die Nachfrage nach dem malaysischen produziert Tongkat Ali dramatisch zugenommen. Die deutliche Bestätigung des Dr. Mehmet Oz auf seinem nationalen TV-Show sicherlich dazu beigetragen, das Wort zu verbreiten, sondern Menschen, die pflanzliche Produkte folgen haben unbedingt die für einige Zeit zu extrahieren.

Nachdem der weltweit führenden Autorität auf Herztransplantationen hat Dr. Oz fünf besten verkaufen Bücher über Gesundheit geschrieben. In jedem dieser Bücher hat er die Vorteile der natürlichen Produkte und Praktiken betont. Oz ist seit langem die Sorge um die Mengen von verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten gezeigt, dass wir konsumieren.

Trotzdem sind viele Leute denken, stur und alternative Medikamente sind eine Falschmeldung. Tatsache ist, dass natürliche Produkte wie Tongkat Ali nicht Todesopfer verursacht und ist nicht Gewohnheit bilden. Natürliche Heilmittel Arbeit und während der Branche nicht reglementiert ist, haben viele dieser Medikamente Standbeine in alten medizinischen Praktiken.

Was ist mit Gain

Man's Interesse an der Lösung des Geheimnisses der abnehmenden Sexualfunktionen sexuellen Fähigkeiten begrenzt ist mächtig. Manche Männer versuchen Produkte, die nicht getestet wurden und die eindeutig Hoaxes. Die Tongkat Ali Extrakt ist nicht einer von denen Hoaxes. Das renommierte MIT hat sogar mit der malaysischen Regierung zusammen, um Forschung auf einer Krebsbehandlung, dass der Extrakt enthält durchzuführen. Tongkat Ali ist der real deal mit Tausenden von neuen Kunden und Millionen von vorhandenen Benutzern.

Ursprünglich wurde von asiatischen Ärzten entwickelt Extrakt zur Abwehr der Auswirkungen von Malaria. Das Produkt hat einen langen Weg zurückgelegt, seit die durch Kochen der Wurzeln der Eurycoma Longifolia für drei Tage und die Entwicklung zum fertigen Produkt in einer Woche entwickelt wurde Extrakt kommen. Nun, führen sterilisiert Einrichtungen der Extraktion mit der Benutzung der meisten aktuellen Geräte.

Wenn selbst verbraucht, der Extrakt einen sehr bitteren Geschmack. Viele Anwender mischen mit Kaffee oder Tee-Extrakt. Die Forschung hat bewiesen, dass Benutzer, die die Anweisungen führt eine höhere Testosteronspiegel haben als wenn sie nicht benutzt bitte das alternative Heilmittel. Einfach ausgedrückt bedeutet dies, besseren Sex und mehr Muskeltonus.

Nicht mehr eine Frage über die Wirksamkeit

Tongkat Ali - Be Happy With Your Energy

Tongkat Ali - Celebrate Your Energy

Tongkat Ali is changing lives every day. Now that western cultures have found the all-natural herbal extract that can add more of the male sex hormone, testosterone, to their bodies, the demand for the Malaysian produced Tongkat Ali has risen dramatically. The ringing endorsement of Dr. Mehmet Oz on his national television show certainly helped spread the word, but people who follow herbal products have been keen on the extract for some time.

Once the world's foremost authority on heart transplantation, Dr. Oz has written five best selling books about health. In each of those books, he has stressed the benefits of natural products and practices. Oz has long shown concern for the quantities of prescription medication we are consuming.

Still, many people are stubborn and think alternative medicines are a hoax. The fact is that natural products like Tongkat Ali have not caused fatalities and is non-habit forming. Natural remedies work and while the industry is not regulated, many of these medicines have been mainstays in ancient medical practices.

What's to Gain

Man's interest in solving the mystery of declining sex drive and limited sexual abilities is powerful. Some men will try products that have not been tested and which are clearly hoaxes. The Tongkat Ali Extract is not one of those hoaxes. The renowned MIT has even partnered with the Malaysian government to perform research on a cancer treatment that includes the extract. Tongkat Ali is the real deal with thousands of new clients and millions of existing users.

Originally the extract was developed by Asian doctors to fight off the effects of malaria. The product has come a long way since the extract was developed by boiling the roots of the Eurycoma Longifolia for three days and developing the finished product in a week. Now, sterilized facilities perform the extraction with the use of the most current equipment.

When consumed by itself, the extract has a very bitter taste. Many users mix the extract with coffee or tea. Research has proven that users who follow the instructions will have a higher testosterone level than when they did not use the alternative remedy. Simply put, this means better sex and more muscle tone.

No Longer A Question About Effectiveness

As testosterone helps in the development of our primary and secondary sex characteristics, adding testosterone will slow the effects of aging and will heighten your interest in sex, much as estrogen helps women fight menopause. We all tend to be cautious about what we put in our bodies. And, while Tongkat Ali is relatively new to the western world, it is a way of life in Southeast Asia.

The increase in the male sex hormone will deter aging, increase your interest in sex and boost those primary sex characteristics for healthier performance. Tongkat Ali is safe and time-tested. If Mehmet Oz says it is worth a try, what are you waiting for? For a fuller life, use Tongkat Ali Extract.